"Not paying attention to audio is an absolute miss for your brand." Korri Kolesa, CRO for Veritonic.
"In late 2005, we were really off the bat doing advertising with a variety of vendors. We were putting 500 shows on ad buys because there were no big shows. Everything was small at that point." - Todd Cochrane, Founder of Blubrry
Podcasting can feel like the wild wild west where things are unregulated. But are they really? Find out from legal expert Gordon Firemark how brands and podcasters should be protecting themselves from lawsuits.
"If we compare podcasting to radio, as a digital medium, podcasting has a greater opportunity to be an accurate measurement of listening." Jeff Vidler, Founder of Signal Hill Insights.
"The nature of podcasting is so fragmented that it makes it difficult for brands to connect with podcasters." Dave Hanley, Chief Revenue Officer at Advertisecast.
The IAB released their 2021 Podcast Advertising Revenue Study and I am here to give my reaction.
"RedCircle is a podcast hosting platform that focuses on growth and monetization for indie podcasters in particular." Mike Kadin, Founder and CEO of RedCircle.
"One of the things that we did so successfully that really sets us apart is that we standardized the unit that's being sold and allowed that to work across all the shows that are listed in the marketplace." Marty Michael, CEO and Co-Founder at Headgum & Gumball.fm.
"You can move downstream to smaller shows for more inventory, and it also allows you to test more cost-effectively and then scale." - Todd Gallet, Head of Partnerships at Podcorn,
"Podcasting is an exploding market and audio storytellers are the next wave of influencers, but the ads are too hard to buy." - Anna Ratala, CEO & Co-Founder of Zvook.co.
programmatic advertising has made a huge increase in the last couple of years. So I did a little bit of research. I looked into some stats on the growth that it has made. And I want to share that with you.
"I like podcasts. I have a podcast of my own. I'm a nerd about it. I can probably talk people into sampling the space and understanding what host-read ads are." Ray Harkins, the West Coast Lead Podcast Strategist for iHeartRadio, is a long-time friend and industry leader.
We talk a lot about what podcast advertising is like from a brand's perspective, but what about the agencies that support these brands? How do they manage to bridge the partnership between podcasters, networks, rep firms, and brands?
Not all podcast ads are created equal, so Stew Redwine, Creative Director from Oxford Road, shares his experience and expert advice to help us create high-converting podcast ads.
2021 has been an incredible year for podcasting, but what does 2022 have install for us? Let's find out with Sam Sethi, podcast industry veteran and knowledge curator.