Feb. 28, 2024

Targeting A Broad Audience

Targeting A Broad Audience

“I think as people’s attention spans are getting smaller and smaller, you have to get more and more, and more and more, hits in their brain.” 

We spend a lot of time here at The Podcast Advertising Playbook talking about how to target your audience. How there are various demographics you should use to build your target audience and make sure they hear your ad. But what if your company has a broad audience? How do you target for a company that, theoretically, anyone could benefit from? 

Tune in today’s episode to find out. 

Yev Pusin, the Senior Director of Marketing at Backblaze, joins Heather Osgood. Listen now to hear them talk about: 

  • How the advertising landscape has shifted to prioritize podcasts.
  • Ways to identify shows to partner with when your audience is incredibly broad. 
  • Different ways to target listeners.  
  • Where bad ads lose listeners. 
  • The biggest barriers to direct response advertising. 
  • Ways to build an emotional connection during an ad read for a product that isn’t “sexy.” 


More of a visual person? Watch this episode on YouTube

Ready to learn more? Check out our blog for more podcast advertising tips. 

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Yev Pusin Profile Photo

Yev Pusin

Senior Director Of Marketing @ Backblaze

Yev has been proselytizing the virtues of computer backup and cloud storage for the past 13 years while spearheading the Computer Backup service, social media presence, and community development for Backblaze. His writings can be found on the Backblaze Blog where he details product updates, entrepreneurial mindsets, and funny anecdotes about SaaS businesses. His speaking career includes emceeing at RootsTech, presenting at Vator Splash, speaking at a variety of start-up conferences, and guest lecturing about entrepreneurship for students, especially at the University of Iowa, his alma mater.