“I have certainly had conversations with some of the OGs in the podcast space that are like, ‘Hey, podcasts were created to be ad-free. We were trying to get away from this in terrestrial radio, and that’s why we started podc...
“The great thing about Pixel Solutions, to your point, is that you’re not asking the client to complete an extra step, to remember a URL, or to remember a promo code. You’re allowing them just to access the website however is...
“We cannot continue to sign contracts that say the ad is going to live in the episode forever. That’s right. You heard it - forever.” Today, Heather Osgood is back with a solo episode to discuss the changes she’s been seeing ...
“The other thing is, if you’re utilizing host read ads and the host is game, please let them do their thing. The host knows how to speak to their audience, and they know what resonates.” We are so excited to introduce our new...
“The thing that I heard [at Podfest] that was kind of interesting was a speaker that used the phrase, ‘‘spend time with your audience.’ Podcasting can be this kind of one-way street where you’re talking at the audience, and i...
“No one is really special… You have the same problems as everyone else, and if you can connect with some sort of empathy to the problem that’s being solved by this [product], I think you will find an audience in the sponsorsh...
We’ve all heard the horror stories of smart homes listening to your conversations when they shouldn’t be or mentioning you need a product and immediately getting a targeted ad for it. As our society gets more reliant on techn...
“One of the things that you and I had been talking about is this idea of creating a successful relationship from beginning to end… We want the content creator to be rewarded. We want the ad seller to be rewarded, and we want ...
What is dark social, how does podcasting advertising fit into it, and why should marketers care?
Podcasting can feel like the wild wild west where things are unregulated. But are they really? Find out from legal expert Gordon Firemark how brands and podcasters should be protecting themselves from lawsuits.
"I have to confess, it would be great to do a true crime or a history podcast, but I found my niche in corporate podcasts, and here's why." Graham Brown, Founder and CEO if Pikkal.
I welcome Bryan Barletta from Sounds Profitable back on the show to "spill the tea" on what's happening with podcasting.
Adam McNeil, Online Marketing and PR Manager, joins me on the podcast to discuss how Füm is taking podcast advertising by storm and making it a huge priority in their marketing strategy.
With the podcast advertising landscape changing so rapidly in the last 6 months, I want to take a moment and talk about the trends I am seeing and my predictions for the next 6 months. I will cover: 1. The rise of programmatic ads and how this will...
Martha Gallant, Growth Marketing Manager, sat down with us to talk about how Helix Sleep, a mattress company, took its podcast advertising strategy to the next level and ended up seeing amazing results. She shares some insightful best practices...