Avoid Advertiser Fatigue
“I have certainly had conversations with some of the OGs in the podcast space that are like, ‘Hey, podcasts were created to be ad-free. We were trying to get away from this in terrestrial radio, and that’s why we started podcasting.’
I totally get that, but also, it feels like there are people you can reach on podcasts that you can’t reach with any other marketing messages.”
Getting ads on your podcast is only half the battle. The real work comes when you create your ad and find a balance between the number of ads and the length of your show. Kimberly Alexandre of Branded Podcast Pros joins Heather Osgood to talk through everything you need to avoid advertiser fatigue.
Heather and Alexandre discuss:
- The benefits of a small, intimate podcast network.
- The importance of multiple voices in one campaign.
- Reasons you need to keep in contact with the brand during an ad campaign.
- Direct Response vs. Brand Conversions.
- Challenges facing podcast discoverability.
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